Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day28: Triacastela to Sarria (Fri 22nd Oct)

OK so this is my 2nd try - this computer is driving me nuts - so no one complain....!!!! The internet service has been way below par for what I was expecting and been horrendously difficult to find a) one that works b) one that works and doesnt drop out c) one that has the option to use my camera cards! ;-) even then to upload about 5 or 6 pics takes about 45mins!!!!

SO, here we go again, my peaceful nights sleep was so NOT! I woke, or rather my legs woke me at about 2am - my right leg is really not happy about life and neither are both my feet - despite having them elevated at night.  By not getting much sleep is seriously taking its toll on my physical and mental and im tired and cranky and feel like I´m losing my "Camino mojo"!!!!

A late start at the Alburgue is fantastic and I drag my feet.....the walk to Samos is only 6.5km but I feel every single step and I want to go here to see the historical Benedictine Monastery - and am rewarded by the spectacular view as you come into town!  The mandatory pics take place but I don´t take the time to go inside - I´m not in the mood or want to spend the extra energy or time so I find a cafe for COFFEE and a supermercardo for yoghurt and fruita and get moving....the walk is enjoyable along a river but feels like the 8.5ikm is going on and on and on and becoming a mirage - those who pass me and those whom I pass also make the same comments!

Eventually Sarria does come into play and I´m very happy except for the walk UPHILL to where all the Alburgues are....being a large town of 13,000 people I have a choice of Alburgues and one I can put my memory card into is going to be the winner....I find it...of course, its the last one!! lol

Its a nice place and then find myself in a room with 7 other blokes....its Friday night and therefore not going to bode well for sleeping....true is that fact!!!! BUT the blog is updated again after 3hrs online that night ;-)

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