Friday, October 15, 2010

Day10: Azofra to Villamayor del Rios

Apologies for the delay in updating but a lot of Alburgue computers haven´t been working or when I arrive I am so exhausted and in pain that sitting doesn´t help ;-) a lot of things I didn´t and wasn´t anticipating! Part of the journey.

So today I woke with really sore feet despite the 2 easier days. A walk up to Ciruena (ghost town) and coffee.  After coffee I had a serious chat with myself and dug into the "mental" side and pushed through the pain barrier.

The morning was extremely windy and threatened rain but a pleasant change from the previous few days.  Onto Santo Domingo. The cathedral there is very historical and a must see. It has a live chicken coop inside and the cock crows frequently....very bizarre. 

There is an old fable about a Pilgrim boy who refused the advances of a young "frisky" girl and she wasn´t impressed, so during the niht she placed a silver cup in his knapsack and in the morning she yelled that he had stolen it and when the opened his sack to find it, he was sentenced to death. When his parents departed for Santiago de Compostela, they went to see their son hanged and when they arrived to the placed, were shocked to hear the voice of the son announcing Santo Domingo de la Calzada had preserved his life. The went directly to the house of Corregidor and tld him of the miracle. Incredulous, the Corregidor replied "your sone was about as live as the roast cock and hen he was ready to eat". At the moment the cock and hen jumping off the plate began to sing....since then the famous lines have been recited "where the hen crows after being roasted. And so they have a cage inside the cathedral with a live cock and hen!!

So after an interesting stop its on towards Viloria - 15km away making it a 30km day. I did not check the Alburgue size for Viloria.....and after arriving exhausted at 4pm (8hrs) find that there are NO rooms and would need to walk another 4km to the next town and Alburgue. Hard lesson learned and one I won´t repeat....after this I decided I needed to walk at my own timetable and not so much on others timetables...we all have our OWN Camino, as the saying goes.

By the time we arrived it was also too late for dinner and nothing in town was open therefore settling for a sandwich and bottle of red wine ;-) and 3 hours of internet time to blog - all not lost and all not bad.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up luv', you are doing great!! The images you have captured are wonderful!!
