Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day27: OĆebreiro to Triacastela (Thur 21st Oct)

SOOOO after my crazy day yesterday I take it easy this morning and have a late start...9.30am! Its cold and windy up here on top of the world but invigorating!!

I had a shite night - the Alburgue is huge with 50 beds and 24 were being used and they had the heaters on - so it was like a sauna and I woke at 2am with aching painful legs and feet (which is becoming a usual thing!!) and I take my earplugs out as theyŕe very annoying whilst youŕe awake and listen to the joyful strains of the "Snoring Symphony".

Im taking a relatively easy day to Triacastela - its 21km! But a lot of hills and steep descents which play havoc on the knees. The first struggle was a really sharp and sudden ascent with rocks (of course) up to Padornelo and I feel blown out and rest for about 40mins.

I go past an Alburgue in Fonfria which is quite large and seems to be in the middle of nowhere but strategically placed a short time after departing Cebreiro - a lot of people are exhausted after that day and sometimes stop for an early day-rest day. I decide not to and about 10mins later get a sharp pain up my right shin (Murphys Law) but just slow my pace and stop for 2mins to stretch it out but am not happy.

The worst is the last 6.5km into Triacastela is rocks and step down. Leaving me flattened and exhausted when I arrive. There are several Alburgues to choose from in this town and push myself up the hill to the furthest point in town to stay as it means I dont have to crawl up the hill in the morning! The Alburgue guy seems a bit dodgy, but after my initial trepidation it turns out great and get a room with 3 other girls and thats it - so a peaceful night!

Ive been truly lucky with the weather and yet another stunning clear sky and sunny - Iḿ thrilled I got to cross Cebreiro with clear sky - its not often you get that up there.

Dinner (Pilgrim menu) is slightly different now Iḿ in the Galicia region and enjoy the change - fabulous soups and paella!!! And always plenty of "vino tinto" and bread! I dont think Ive ever eaten so much white bread in my life!! AND still lose weight...hehe!!

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